Monday, March 19, 2012

No Button by Zany Toys

What is the No Button?

the no button by zany toys
The No Button is only the easiest way to say "No!" while saving your voice!

Simply press the button and hear a resounding "No!" come out of the button in 10 different ways, such as "No!", "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no", "N. O." and "For the last time, No!"

What would I do with a No Button?

The founders of the no button are parents who seemed to be repeating the same things to their kids over and over. They dreamed of a button that would just say it for them. Eventually they noticed that "No" is the most often used phrase followed by "clean your room," so they designed a button that would say the "No's" for them.

But you don't have to limit the No Button to your kids. What about that neighbor that always wants to borrow something? "NO!"  Or that employee at work that is always asking for time off? "NO!"  There are limitless ways to use the No Button.

What are some other examples using the No Button?

"We found a cute dog! Can we keep it?"
"Can I have another bowl of ice cream?"
"Can I stay up late?"
"Can I start dating?"
"Would you please buy me a cell phone?"
"Can I have some money?"
"Can I have a raise?"
"Can I borrow the car?"

And the answer is ... "No!"

We would love to hear from you on your examples on when to use the No Button!

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